
Sunday, April 28, 2013

What Matters to Me...

…is family, friends, knowing I am loved by people I love, a new day, music in all its forms, my God-given senses, talents and messages, memories of my past vacations and dreams of my upcoming getaways,  laughter, laughter, and more laughter, my identity as a black Native American: I know I come from a rich history and act accordingly, two little archangels named Sahar & Sisi who have been a Blessing, God-send and Lifesaver to me, Kisha & J’von, the parents of Sahar & Sisi for sharing their two precious daughters with me, my Mother for allowing me to help her heal and deal with the loss of her baby girl, my sister, Daryl, my sister Brenda for being herself, my Step-Dad James for being himself, for life itself, which I have cursed some days but am grateful for, the visits from Daryl, truth, patience, perseverance, fluidity, reciprocity and love, love, love…

What Matters to You?

I hope this has been Tasty & Informative like Cupcakes & Travel Magazines…until the next time…Valerie 

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