August 25, 2010
I am doing very well today! Not much different from yesterday, which I give many THANKS for. My radiologist finally spoke with an orthopedic surgeon, who thinks I might have a small fracture. I have an appointment for next week, 8/31 Tuesday @ 2 PM. We will meet, discuss, access and make a decision regarding palliative radiation treatment. Then back to my oncologist to find out my treatment schedule in regards to chemo.
Moment of Hilarity: The surgeon wants me on crutches - I don't think so since there is, how shall we say it, extra Valerie to pull around. He also suggests the use of a walker - again I don't think so. Not ready for that mode of transportation yet. I will just stay put and use a cane and wheelchair when I need to go outside. Although I don’t really need the wheelchair but it’s easier to use than tell my Mom I am okay and don’t need it. Sometimes I think my Mom thinks my femur and/or hipbone is going to snap in two at the slightest provocation. It won’t and I will stay off of it as much as I can. I promise. Tomorrow I must get out though so I can feel the wind on my face - oops, that sounds so corny but you get the point.
Daryl is doing well. She had a moment with Mom this morning at Yale-New Haven Smilow Cancer Hospital, where she is recuperating from the stem cell transplant. The date of her actual infusion was Thursday, August 19, 2010. She had the procedure then came home and returned to the center everyday for the rest of the week then as previously, scheduled Daryl checked into the hospital where she would receive daily tests.
Daryl said to me today, when the doctors come into her room they always say, “You are doing so well we might as well not stop by.” As some of you know whenever you have surgery or treatment the hospital is required to tell you everything that could possibly go wrong as well as the side effects. Well my sister, Daryl has not experienced one negative side effect nor have any of the negative possibilities played out for her. THANK GOD!!!!!! She says I’m going to keep on keeping on with my recuperating and the doctors can continue to marvel. All right now-
Back to Daryl having her moment today: Mom and Brenda (my other sister) want to fix the moments when they pour out of Daryl whereas I let her have the moment and then we move on. I believe we all have lessons to learn in this life and the current situation certainly lends itself to big time lesson learning for my family! I think Mom and Brenda's lesson might be to realize they can't fix everything. Now I don’t have a medical degree, prescription pad or any patients but that has never stopped me from making proclamations in the past. I’m sure there will be plenty more declarations from me in the future because that’s just the way I am. :-)
My Mom has been staying at Yale with Daryl but she is coming home for the night, which is good because she is a Mama Bear so taking care of her cubs is part of the job description. But we have been watching and making sure, she is not overdoing anything. Sometimes it is best to let her be but other times we do have to tell her to take a break and breathe. She is learning.
I think one of my lessons is to SIT DOWN. I have learned to put myself first in a lot of areas of my life so taking time to rest, rejuvenate and rejoice is second nature to me. But the Creator obviously feels I need to sit down for a little while and despite the fact that I don't know why - I am going to sit my ass down! I will keep my eyes and ears open to see if I can ascertain why I need to SIT DOWN for now.
I hope this post has been Tasty & Informative like Cupcakes & Travel Magazines.
Peace, Love, Blessings & Joy to you and yours.