
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I'm Trusting, Believing & Knowing...

October 20, 2015

Things are coming together. Slowly but surely and slowly is the key word. You see I haven’t always been patient. But I’m getting better at it each day. And the situation that is serving as a path to patience for me is my job hunt.  Too many resumes sent out to count. And of course what I’d being willing to get out of the bed for, get dressed for, leave my house and possibly commute to NYC has not been presenting itself. Yes I know what we desire is not always what is best for us.

So I received yet another rejection email. The funny thing about this rejection is it was for a job I didn’t remember applying to. So I posted about it on my Facebook page and someone replied that I was supposed to be working for myself. I replied to that reply and said I understood and that I was making my way to that goal but in the meantime I needed an ‘in the meantime’ job.

The ‘replier’ sent me a link about a side gig I had never thought of: teaching college classes online. The college will train you and you don’t need teaching experience but I do have teaching via the local public schools Adult & Continuing Education program so I’m half way there.

Then this afternoon I met with someone to talk about doing social media for their small business. I’ll be posting on her company’s Facebook page, creating a blog for her, creating promotions to get people in the door and finding new catering business for her. Gig #1. Yeah!!!!

This evening I filled out an application for the online college to teach a class. Now I will wait to hear back from the school. Hopefully it will become Gig #2.

Lastly I’ve wanted to teach literacy to children for a while but found out that I will have to go back to graduate school, get certified, teach for a few years and then return to get certified as a Literacy Specialist. What?! Why is the education system making it hard to teach children how to read? I don’t have an answer but I’ve moved on to working toward becoming a Literacy Volunteer and teaching adults how to read.

So today I connected with the woman who runs the literacy program and it looks like I’ll be in the January training class. In the meantime before training starts I’ll be working with some of the people in the literacy program who need help with their resumes. Gig #3.

Things are coming together in their time not mine. I’m getting it I’m getting it. 

I’ve opened myself. I’ve reached out. And I’ve received.

Oh and I’ve finished my novel. Will do one final read through and then send off to Editor. WoooHoooo!!!!!!!

It’s all coming together. Slowly but surely. I am trusting, believing and knowing.

And as my sister Daryl used to say all the time: Stay open at the top.

I’m letting my earthly angels (the replier) as well as my other-worldly angels (Daryl, Melvina and others who have walked on) help me.

Everything I said I want to do is coming to fruition. I will be doing all the things I enjoy.

Yes I am, trusting and believing. 

Today was a very productive day!!!


I hope this has been Tasty & Informative like Cupcakes & Travel Magazines!

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