What did I say on June 20th? I said that I would blog everyday, even if said blog was only 2lines - well I didn't even do that - but don't be disappointed in me because I will keep this promise to myself. Let's all keep the promises we make to ourselves. I mean if we can make and take the time to do for others we must, must, must make and take the time to do for ourselves!
I am working towards my dream of being a published writer by pursuing my MFA in Creative Writing at Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT. The program is low residency, which means you attend 2 10-day residencies in December and July and in between you work with a writing mentor. I'm am so loving this program. When I have completed the FU MFA I will have a novel in my hands. All you writers and/or aspiring writers check out the site: http://www.fairfield.edu/cas/mfa_index.html. While I am glad to be part of the FU MFA low residency program there are other programs across the country that may interest you: http://lowresmfa.blogspot.com/.
Whatever you want to do - like Nike says, JUST DO IT! And yes I am going to share all the cliches and truisms that we have heard before and now will hear again: Life is short, We aren't promised tomorrow, You don't want to say woulda, shoulda, coulda, Time waits for no one, etc. etc. etc. Get up and go out there to find your DREAM, BLISS and PEACE OF MIND.
And for those who don't know what they want to do or what will make them happy, just start looking, start trying different things or just ask yourself: If you didn't have to worry about paying bills, what would you do for free? See what pops into your head, write it down, share it with someone, don't share it with anyone. Look at what you wrote on that piece of paper, stare at it, accept it, whisper it, shout it out loud. Let it out!
Make a plan and start doing it. Come on out and play! When I get to the other side I want God to say: You used what I gave you all up Valerie, job well done my child!
I hope this post has been tasty and informative like Cupcakes and Travel Magazines.